catching up

saturday’s run was a bust. i headed out a little before 8AM and headed south to the fox river bike trail. i passed 7 miles in an hour (8:30 pace) and was sweating profusely. i kept going to 7.5 miles and turned around. my "technical" shirt was water logged so i took it off and tried running with it wrapped around my waist and partially tucked into my shorts. no dice. so i began running with it rolled up in one hand and my water bottle in the other hand. heading back, i began to slow noticeably. by 11.5 miles, i figured enough was enough and opted to walk it in from there.

therefore, my miles for July end up at 191. 200 per month is the minimum that i like to run at if i’m trying to be competitive. that being said, it is an improvement over the 160 in june.

i took sunday, monday and tuesday off from running. i’m planning on getting back on the wagon on wednesday. i’ll also do some adjusting on my long runs, including moving it to sunday (weather permitting) and starting at 5AM or so. this will give me friday & saturday night to catch up on sleep as well as running in cooler temps without as much sun.

only 67 days until the lakefront marathon…

01. August 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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