weekend wrap up

saturday afternoon i headed down to the pettit center to meet up with dana, rob and ryan. with temps in the single digits and a howling west wind, none of us wanted to brave the elements. we ran together as a group, rotating around who was up front and on the inside/outside. it was great because before you knew it we were past an hour of running. it makes it much easier to run with a group and have stuff to talk about. i ended up having to back off the pace after about 85 minutes as a trip to the men’s room was imminent. eating pizza hut pizza for dinner the night before likely came back on me. come to find out, my wife and kids had similar experiences. regardless, i did end up with 93 minutes of running and had a good time.

sunday afternoon i headed back to the pettit to run with rob. temps were even colder than yesterday and the wind was just as wicked. we ended up running for a little over 90 minutes and again, time went much faster having company.

i’ll hit the treadmill today after work since the temps this morning were -14 and wind chills down in the -30 range. my wife preferred to have me help get them off in the morning rather than me heading off to workout before work (at work). when i’m up in the morning during the week, i leave ~15 minutes to help get the last minute things done for the girls. boots, jackets, etc.

i keep thinking that this crazy stretch of weather will be helpful for BOSTON prep. maybe i’ll want to hit the roads that much harder once the temps moderate a bit. maybe i’ll appreciate being outside in the wee hours of the morning rather than the monotony of an indoor treadmill…or running in circles at the Pettit. regardless, it is beneficial to make the time to run with others. it really helped the motivation this week. on many levels it reminded me of my cross country days in high school. fun stuff.

MTD – 36.75
YTD – 239 <-- record pace for YTD miles 10 weeks to BOSTON

06. February 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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