hamster miles

last night i opted to jump on the treadmill rather than face the arctic temps & winds we’re enjoying. to keep me entertained, i plugged into my ipod shuffle and had a television screen to look at.

i started off for a 1/4 mile at 10:00 pace. I then upped the pace to 9:30 for the next 1/4 mile, then 9:00, 8:30 and 8:00 for the following 1/4 miles. (effectively, that was my warm up.) For each quarter mile i then upped the speed by a tenth of a mile per hour all the way up to 6:00 pace (10 mph). after holding that 6:00 pace for a 1/4 mile, i dropped the speed down to 7:30 and finally 8:00 to cool down.

in the end, the treadmill said i ran 8.5 miles in slightly over an hour…averaging 7:10 pace. granted i was running at 0% incline but it was a good workout that didn’t pound my legs too badly.

06. February 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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