ATM run

TGIF! i ran down to the BP for my friday ATM run. with my trusted Ziploc brand bag, my debit card and crisp $20 stayed dry. temps were all of three degrees today with a nearly clear sky and nearly full moon. some fun music came up on my shuffle today…including some Winger (yes, i own a few Winger CDs). thankfully, some Rammstein was playing on my way back home…into the wind…running up hill. Rammstein sings in german (except for one song in spanish that is freakin hilarious) and I don’t understand a darned thing they’re saying. However, the music is wild and gets the heart/mind racing.

temps are headed south for the next 5 days. i’m going to the Pettit Center for a long run tomorrow afternoon. not sure what i’ll do for the rest of the span. i could run on the treadmills at work or hit the Pettit at 6AM on my way to work. then again, i may just bundle up and head outside.

MTD – 12.75
YTD – 215

10 weeks and 2 days until BOSTON

03. February 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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