nah nah boo boo

this morning i headed out with temps in the mid-30’s and "snain" – – a combo of snow and rain. the footing was very slushy so i stayed in the tire tracks in the road. on my way north on comanche i had to swing to the far right of the road to avoid an oncoming snow plow. "nah nah boo boo" as my youngest would say.

as time went on, the snain made my oakley clear lens glasses useless so i perched them on top of my head. i ran along michigan avenue past north high school then to the top of a good sized hill. with as slow as i was in the sloppy conditions, i decided to make a 180 for home at the top of the hill as i had covered two miles to that point.

running back past north high school, a guy was walking his dog up ahead of me. i noticed the dog had plenty of leash and i swung myself to the far right of the road. sure enough, as i approached the pooch darted right for me. thankfully i was still about 5 feet away when the dog’s owner yanked on the leash and brought him to a screeching halt. "nah nah boo boo"

shortly thereafter, another snow plow turned toward me and i swung to the other side of the road to avoid it. "nah nah boo boo" the last mile or so was rather uneventful and i made the turn onto my street and headed in for a hot shower.

btw…the proper tempo for "nah nah boo boo" is brisk. adding hand gestures positioned next to your ears is encouraged. running away squealing is optional but good for comedic effect.

09. December 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | 1 comment

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