out and back

i rolled out of bed and got geared up for a morning constitutional. temps were in the mid-30’s and the wind was from the north. after my GPS found itself, i headed down the hill on comanche then turned onto university. after crossing madison, i saw a guy walking with a loaded backpack and his dog. i’ve seen him before in the wee hours of the morning. perhaps he’s training for a hiking effort.

i kept pushing north and made my turn at uw-w. heading back was doubly nice as i had a tailwind plus some nice downhill stretches. as i made it back onto comanche i turned to run up the hill to my house. i wasn’t paying much attention as i was on the sidewalk but all of the sudden there was an unleashed dog standing toe to toe with me. thankfully it was a friendly dog and the owners who were out walking retrieved it. i guess it was too early for them to remember its leash…

regardless, i mustered 6 miles in a few ticks south of 50 minutes and hit the shower.

19. March 2008 by Jerry Cameron
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