before the storm

i begrudgingly rolled myself out of bed this morning and geared up for a morning constitutional. the weather forecast spoke of a spring snowstorm that was to start in the morning…totaling some significant accumulation. the wind was blowing from the east so i pointed myself into the wind and ran down madison avenue toward town. i was glad i had brought along my clear lens oakleys to block the flurries from being blown in my eyes. i also noticed an aluminum can being blown by the wind down the street…which you don’t see every day.

when i reached the downtown area, i turned to the south then once in bethesda park i turned west and enjoyed the tailwind pushing me home. i thought i heard the sound of a train whistle approaching but when i crossed the track i didn’t see anything coming my way. regardless, i mustered 7 miles in about 57 minutes and hit the shower.

21. March 2008 by Jerry Cameron
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