weekend report

well, the last long run is done. i ran out on the glacial drumlin trail with Craig on saturday morning. temps in the 50’s, overcast and some wind. at about 8 miles we turned up onto the trail leading up to lapham peak. we ran about 2 miles and turned around for the run back into town. with the elevation drop between wales and waukesha, we got going at a solid pace and had to back it off a few times. ended up with 20.5 miles in 8:20 pace.

sunday afternoon i got out in the drizzle for 7.6 miles down and around frame park and back. pace was at 8:10 per mile and i honestly felt pretty good even with 20 miles yesterday.

for the cycle, i’m up to 466 miles. ideally i’d end up north of 600 but think i’ll be in the upper 500’s.

MTD – 88.7
YTD – 1419
Odometer – 23,757

11. September 2006 by Jerry Cameron
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