pettit patience

the temperature and wind this morning were down in a range that makes it awful uncomfortable to run outside. my dad & i decided to head over to the nearby Pettit Center to run rather than brave the elements. we both ponied up our $4 fee and headed to the track. apparently, there were many folks that were like minded as the track was bustling with runners and walkers. my dad & i ran a couple laps together then i turned on my ipod shuffle and started my workout.

i really didn’t have much of a plan for the workout but noticed that it felt awfully good to run unencumbered by layers of winter gear (and snowshoes). a few good tunes shuffled on and my pace quickened to a steady but maintainable effort. as i made my way around the track, i did what i could to weave my way past slower runners and avoid a few guys who were motoring along faster than me. for a bit of entertainment, we could take in the efforts of the speed skaters flailing around the oval inside of the running track as they were competing in what looked like a club-level meet. all in all, i mustered a little more than an hour and called it a day.

MTD/YTD – 11 miles
Odometer – 29,519 miles

02. January 2010 by Jerry Cameron
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