double down

my morning constitutional began at about 5AM today.  the sky was still dark and it was pretty humid with temps in the upper sixties.  my route kept me in town with a 180 near the police station then back on my outbound route.  honestly, the most interesting thing i encountered was a lawn sprinkler that i had to time just right to avoid being pelted with a stream of water.   regardless, i mustered 7.5 miles in a few ticks less than 65 minutes and hit the shower.

i opted for an evening constitutional today as well so i could “sleep in” tomorrow morning and rest up for some longer runs this weekend.  after dinner and tucking the girls in bed, i geared up and stood at the foot of my driveway at about 8pm waiting for my GPS watch to sync up.  i headed down to the glacial drumlin trail and headed east into town.  i then headed south on the fox river trail past the water treatment plant and city dump.  just before turning around, my friend jamie approached on his way home for an evening run himself.  we ran together for about a half mile before i turned back onto the glacial drumlin and he headed home.  heading back up commanche through my subdivision, i was treated to a spectacular view of the big dipper in the sky.  i returned home with seven miles recorded on my GPS watch and opted to improvise one more mile to make it eight, which i finished in 66:30. after stopping my watch, i cooled down a bit by walking around the block which cause a number of the neighborhood dogs to bark in my general direction.  with that effort complete, i’m headed for the shower then off to bed i go.

MTD – 57.5 miles
YTD – 984.3 miles
Odometer- 29,092 miles

10. September 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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