lakefront revisited

it looks like rain tomorrow morning so i opted to gear up after work for a constitutional. (my wife & kids were at swim practice this evening so i had some time available) i headed east from work on ogden and made my way down to the lakefront. i ran along the marina which effectively is the last mile of the lakefront marathon. i haven’t ran along there since last october and it was nice to mentally replay the final portions of requalifying for boston last fall.

after 3 miles were recorded on my GPS, i doubled back on my outbound route and headed back to my car. i had to dodge a few more cars than i’m used to but all in all it was a good six miler covered at roughly 8:20 per mile pace.

MTD – 52.5 miles
YTD – 353 miles
Odometer – 28,460 miles

12. May 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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