Slowly, Slowly, Slowly Said The Sloth

blank">.jpg" border=0 style=float:right;>i headed out this morning with temps in the mid-50’s with compression shorts to keep the hammy warm. my route took me north on comanche again, past the scene of the "swooping bird " from yesterday morning. i opted to wind my way through a park rather than turn toward the local high school and got to dodge some sprinklers that overlapped the sidewalk. i turned around after 1.25 miles and backtracked on my route toward home. i then improvised another half mile by running south on comanche then backtracking my way back. overall, i mustered another easy 3 miles in a few ticks north of 29 minutes and hit the shower.

(the title refers to a children’s book that i’ve read to my kids)

01. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
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