off the reservation

i stayed up late last night watching a hack team from pittsburg get lucky against my red wings and didn’t run in the morning. instead, i brought along gear and ran during lunch. temps were in the mid-50’s and it was overcast with a light rain. i headed north to north beach and just before turning around, another runner passed me heading south. i made my turn and began quickly making up distance on the guy. without even thinking about it, i began running the tangents of the bike path i was running on to save a small bit of distance.

the guy must have noticed me coming up on him and turned his head a few times. as i passed him, i said what a nice day it was and all i got back was a grunt. (he was wearing headphones so maybe he didn’t hear me…or perhaps didn’t like getting passed) regardless, i headed back with six miles completed in a tick or two past 47 minutes and hit the shower.

04. June 2008 by Jerry Cameron
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