good morning waukesha

i rolled my rear out of bed this AM and got out the door shortly after 5AM for a run. while waiting for my GPS to sync with the satellites, i noticed the stars i would see directly to the south have shifted to the southwest. i had dug up a web site that shows the sky from your zip code and figured out that i wasn’t looking at any dippers…but parts of others. i guess that makes me a dip! for what it’s worth, i think i spotted the big dipper in the eastern sky. i’ll have to find that URL and figure it out.

regardless, i headed down the hill on commanche and picked up the glacial drumlin trail headed towards wales. honestly, i was moving in slow motion. i think my body and legs had grown accustomed to not having their morning constitutional. i turned around at 3 miles and headed for home on the same route. i ended up getting home with the average pace slightly below 9 minutes a mile…which is awful slow for a weekday run.

17. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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