weekend wrap up

saturday the temps and wind were a bit much so i headed indoors and ran 2 hours at the pettit with Dana. we ended up dodging alot of slower people that didn’t have the courtesy to move to the outer lane, but ended up getting in a solid workout. it makes it much easier to run in circles when you’ve got someone to talk with. i guess misery loves company!

sunday i forced myself out the door and ran 7 miles at 8:20 pace. admittedly, i felt pretty beat up from the effort yesterday. temps were in the mid teens and had some wind to deal with.

overnight it snowed another inch or two of the light flaky stuff. i headed out with my trail shoes instead of my Yaktrax…which i think was a mistake. for the most part, the plows hadn’t touched the roads i was running on and it made for slow running. the good thing was that the temps were in the low 20’s…which felt really comfortable compared to what i’ve had to run in the last few weeks. i ended up with 7 miles at 9:30 pace…which is very slow.

So Far, So Good, So What

looking at the first 3 weeks of the 12 week cycle for Boston, i ended up with 62, 52 and 57 miles respectively. (starting the "week" on Saturday and ending on Sunday…normally i start the week on sunday and end on saturday but because BOSTON is run on a monday…)

over those 3 weeks, i ran on 20 of the 21 days and mustered a mix of long, medium and quality efforts throughout. looking at my miles versus other training cycles that resulted in a fast marathon time, i’m right in line with where i need to be at this point.

9 weeks to BOSTON

13. February 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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